A Few Words from Legacy Award Winner Melanee Peers

Melanee Peers Melanee Peers is the recipient of the 2010 Legacy Award. “Final Words” is her last posting on her Chicago experience.

Final Words… Les Dames

d’Escoffier Legacy Award 2010

Without further delay I wanted to do this as my final post on my Chicago trip… My first initial thought on hearing of this Legacy award is that it would be an opportunity of a lifetime… So I took that first step in applying for the award… It was incredible chance to meet and work with some of the most amazing women in the culinary field… in a city I’ve never been, Chicago. My biggest regret would be not to take a chance… So I sent in my application, resume, letters of reference, and essay stating what I would gain from this entire experience… As the deadline arrived… I couldn’t believe to my surprise receiving a call from Lila Gault informing me that I would be the lucky recipient of the Legacy award for 2010 in the Culinary field.

Each Dame that I met has shared experience, words of wisdom, support and kind words. I want to extend my deepest thanks to all the Les Dames members I met from the Chicago chapter. Your generosity will be forever in my heart…

I wish you all a wonderful and successful future… Thank you for joining me on my adventure to Chicago… Please leave comments and share your thoughts with me…



You can see all of  her wonderful photos and follow her journey on her blog:

One Short Sleep til Chicago

Welcome to Chicago

Sunday Dinner, September 19

Day 1 NAHA

September 20… the Evening

NAHA-Day 2

Frontera Grill- Day 3

September 22… the Evening

Frontera Grill- Day 4

Frontera Foods- Day 5

Chicago Gourmet Festival – Last Day

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